Transcode Gallery

Screen captured demo of Transcode Gallery (Exhibition 1), 2024


Transcode Gallery is an institution in the form of an augmented reality durational performance. The gallery in accessed through a web-based augmented reality experience that viewers access through the camera their mobile device being directed to a tattoo on the my arm. The piece was made using AR.js and A-Frame to track a tattoo on my arm and apply artwork over top as a performative and body/site specific yet web-based installation space. This project continuation of the ideas started in my work A Transmaterial Body and features a tattoo design based off a codification system I created as part of my project Transcode 2015.

The first artist to show at Transcode Gallery is Lorelei d'Andriole. She is showing a silent video piece. A screenshot of the work can be found below.


Transcode Gallery Video Demo:

Transcode Gallery Source Code:

A screenshot of Lorelei d'Andriole's video work. Sketchy pink line drawing of a person on a glitchy blue, pink, and yellow background.

Screenshot of Untitled (#47) by Lorelei d'Andriole, 2024

For additional documentation and/or information about this project, please feel free to contact me at:
[email protected]