Welcome (and why I am starting a blog)!
Oct 21, 2019

Hello and thank you for taking the time to check out my site and work.
I have decided to start a blog on my site as a way to shift some of the thoughts and work I am sharing via other platforms (Instagram, Facebook, and etc.) to a place where I have both more control over how the content is used and more freedom with regard to format. Most likely, much of this content will still be shared via the aforementioned platforms but as links to this site instead of the main source of accessing the work. I have also decided to make this shift because this site has become a pretty substantial archive/hub for my work with not only galleries of previous works but also links to my sound, video, and code archives.
What I hope to post here are might include the following:
- - Works in progress: this could be visual, textual, or a mixture of both.
- - Professional updates: show announcements, new projects, etc.
- - Writing: from journal entries to critical responses to art/culture to experimental work relating more directly to my projects.
- - More? Hopefully in starting this blog I will find other uses for it and new ideas for things to share.
My first non-welcome post will be up later today, I will be talking about visibility and privilege.
Thanks for checking this out!
Chelsea T.
For more information or to share your thoughts about this piece, please feel free to contact me at:
[email protected]